How To Support World Earth Day 2022 as a Business

World Earth Day 2022 is fast approaching, and so it is only apt that we give you our top tips on how you can become greener as a business.

The Earth In Space
By Shannon Mugford

By Shannon Mugford

Mar 31, 2022

When did Earth Day begin?

Before we jump into how to implement greener changes into your business, let’s delve into the origins of Earth Day. As one of the most widely recognised global celebrations, World Earth Day 2022 has actually become the 50th anniversary of this environmental movement. Since 1970, supporters have practised greener living and working, and this is still just as vital today.

As for why it became an event, in the 70s, approximately 20 million Americans called for mass protection of the environment, and now this protest is on a global scale.


Every Day Is Earth Day Sign

How can your business help?

Below are 5 ways that your business can do something exceptional for World Earth Day 2022.


First up, we have the simple task of recycling. While this may seem straightforward, most forget that you must clean and keep all non-recyclables away from those that can be reused. To put it into perspective, around 80% of materials in landfills could have been recycled. And as you can imagine, the average employee creates an incredible amount of waste per year too, so it’s only fitting that we dispose of it in the most ethical way possible.

A recycling programme would be a great way to incentivise this for World Earth Day 2022. This could be by implementing recycling stations throughout the office or workspace and assigning individuals to ensure that recycling is always carried out. You could even reward the employees that recycle the most waste per month, allowing for a new and innovative goal system. Make it fun, and your employees will be sure to get on board!


As a business that is making the transition to green, surely you’d want your customers or clients to do the same? Being part of the same global community, there’s no reason you can’t extend your encouragement to those who aren’t a part of your business. For instance, you can hold a competition on socials that encourage customers to send in their recycling photos. The winner then gets a product or opportunity to try out your services!

In terms of the clients, you could ask them to send in their green initiatives online so you can share them on your website and other platforms. In return, they could receive a perk or reward. You can even make the prize sustainable! Making for a fantastic way of nurturing relationships and giving back to those who have supported your business.


Is your business found in the hospitality and catering industry? If so, for World Earth Day 2022, why not donate food products to homeless shelters or other programmes? Why waste it if the use-by date is soon approaching, but the food is absolutely fine? You can even implement a zero-waste kitchen for your employees. 

Even if only 30% is viable for donating, that could dramatically improve the lives of those who cannot source food and drink every day. Think of it as an innovative waste management system!

4. Create An Eco Guide

Do you work in marketing or a similar office-based profession? Well, if so, you’ll know the importance of a guide. You’ve probably had your copywriter produce guides on buying behaviours, industry practices, and how-to-use instructions. So, why not create a guide that offers insights into how to become more eco?

Swapping out one-use products for reusable, for example, can reduce their impact at work and in everyday life. Not only can you share this with your team, but your audience too. The growing demand for businesses to be greener can enhance your company’s reputation in its industry. 

5. Local Clean-Ups

Last but not least, how about taking part in community-arranged actions for World Earth Day 2022? Local clean-ups, food bank donation days and even the donation of old clothes you no longer wear. Earth Day is for direct action and initiating your involvement in it. Find a local initiative in your area and give your team the day off to help out.

Not only is this incredibly selfless for your planet, but it allows you an opportunity for publicity. Why not shout about the support you’re giving? Share on your socials and get more people involved. No doubt that your customers and clients will only respect you more as a business.


World Earth Day 2022 at Soshell

So, what can you do for World Earth Day 2022 as a business? With businesses such as Apple and H&M beginning to make greener changes, it’ll almost become a rule for shoppers who choose a brand on its ethical efforts. 

Here at Soshell, we’re pioneers in reaching new audiences and helping our clients shout out about fantastic causes they’re getting involved in. Whether you want an entire campaign concept generated or you need a hand in sharing the news on your social media, we have the means to do so. Simply drop us a message at [email protected]!

By Shannon Mugford

By Shannon Mugford

SEO & Content Exec

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